Surveys By Month

From Canyon
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Surveying in 1871
Surveying in 1872
Surveying in 1873
Surveying in 1874
Surveying in 1875
Surveying in 1876
Surveying in 1877
Surveying in 1878
Surveying in 1879
Animated Map

The following flash animation shows the approximate locations of the Canadian Pacific Railway survey crews at the end of each month for the years 1871 to 1876. The labels on the map show the location of the crew while the coloured lines show the route they have followed. See the page on surveys for a given year for more information (see listing at right).

Note that for many months there is little or no change, especially in the winter months of January to March. In 1871, the surveys did not start until after British Columbia joined confederation at the end of July, so nothing happens on the map until August.

The map covers the years 1871 to 1876.

  • Use the arrows beside the year to change years
  • Click on a month name to change months
  • Click on the 'play' and 'stop' buttons to start and stop the animation

There is a Map of Southern British Columbia base map that shows modern place names and transportations routes that might help provide context to this animation.
