Railways in Southern British Columbia
From AlanMacek.com Canyon
- CPR reaches British Columbia from the east by end of season
- Northern Pacific completes mainline (via Sandpoint, Spokane) [Peter]
- CPR reaches Rogers Pass by end of season
- November, 7 - Last spike in Eagle Pass, November 7, 1885
- Hall brothers discover silver near Nelson(McCulloch's Wonder, p19)
- April - Corbin gets charter for Spokane Falls & Northern Railway(McCulloch's Wonder, p21)
- SF&N reaches Little Dalles(McCulloch's Wonder, p21)
- Columbia & Kootenay Steam Navigation Company (CKSN) founded, serving SF&N (McCulloch's Wonder, p24)
- August, 20 - CPR charters Columbia & Kootenay Railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p24)
- James Baker obtains BC charter for British Columbia Southern Railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p22)
- Spring - C&K completed to Nelson (McCulloch's Wonder, p24)
- Silver found in Sandon (')
- S&O - built from Sicamous to Vernon - only know built before or during 1893. (McCulloch's Wonder, p27)
- N&S receives charter (')
- December - N&FS opens to Five Mile Point (McCulloch's Wonder, p26)
- Great Northern Railway mainline completed (via Jennings, Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Spokane) (McCulloch's Wonder, p28)
- August, Northern Pacific Railway bankrupt (McCulloch's Wonder, p29) and obtained by Great Northern (McCulloch's Wonder, p44)
- October - N&S reaches Three Forks (')
- April - K&S construction started (McCulloch's Wonder, p32)
- October, late - K&S reaches Sandon (McCulloch's Wonder, p32)
- December, 15 - N&S reaches Sandon (McCulloch's Wonder, p32)
- January - C&W charter for Trail to Penticton by Heinze (McCulloch's Wonder, p35)
- Trail smelter built by Heinze (McCulloch's Wonder, p34)
- Rossland to Trail narrow gauge built by Heinze (McCulloch's Wonder, p34)
- December - CPR buys CKSN (McCulloch's Wonder, p37)
- CPR buys BCSR charter (McCulloch's Wonder, p38)
- CPR signs Crows Nest Agreement with federal government (McCulloch's Wonder, p39)
- Vancouver businessmen charter Vancouver, Victoria & Eastern Railway & Navigation Company (VV&E) from Vancouver to Kootenays (McCulloch's Wonder, p40)
- December - Heinz starts construction on C&W (McCulloch's Wonder, p41)
- CPR builts Revelstoke to Arrowhead (The Skyline Limited, p49)
- June, 16 - Heinz (C&W) fails in merger with VV&E (McCulloch's Wonder, p41)
- September 23 - Mackenzie & Mann acquire controlling interest in VV&E (McCulloch's Wonder, p45)
- C&K completed up Slocan Valley to Slocan City (')
- September - Heinz's C&W connects Trail to Robson West [Peter]
- February - Heinz sells Rossland, smelter, and half C&W to CPR (McCulloch's Wonder, p42)
- March 19 - Corbin charters Kettle River Valley Railway in US to connect Boundary with his SF&N but denied Canadian portion (McCulloch's Wonder, p43)
- June 15 - VV&E (Mann) agrees to build from Miday to Coast, CPR agrees to build from Kootenays only to Midway (McCulloch's Wonder, p47)
- June 27 - VV&E starts construction at Penticton (McCulloch's Wonder, p47)
- July 1 - Great Northern obtains control of Corbin's SF&N (McCulloch's Wonder, p44)
- October 15 - Last spike on CPRs Crows Nest to Kootenay Landing railway built in just over year (McCulloch's Wonder, p44)
- late - CPR works on C&W (McCulloch's Wonder, p48)
- early - CPR works on C&W (McCulloch's Wonder, p48)
- February 27 - new BC Government (Semlin) cancels subsidies to VV&E (McCulloch's Wonder, p48)
- June - Shaughnessy succeeds Van Horne as president of the CPR (McCulloch's Wonder, p48)
- September 18 - CPR complets C&W to Grand Forks, grading to Midway (McCulloch's Wonder, p49)
- early - CPR has track to Midway and Eholt (McCulloch's Wonder, p49)
- January - CPR surveys from Midway to Hope (McCulloch's Wonder, p50)
- May - Granby Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company opens first mine at Phoenix (McCulloch's Wonder, p65)
- June - James Dunsmiur becomes BC premier (McCulloch's Wonder, p53)
- August - Granby Consolidated opens smelter in Grand Forks (McCulloch's Wonder, p65)
- December 13 - VV&E sold to Great Northern and CPR announces plan for Vancouver & Grand Forks (McCulloch's Wonder, p54)
- March 28 - Dunsmiur announces subsidy award for Kootenay and coast railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p56)
- May 23 - Kettle River Valley Railway receives federal Charter and Republic & Kettle River (US) by Holland (McCulloch's Wonder, p68)
- June - Great Northern gains complete control of VV&E (McCulloch's Wonder, p58)
- July - GN starts construction on Washington & Great Northern (US) north up Kettle River to Canada from Marcus(WA). Also started building from GN mainline to Crowsnest area.(McCulloch's Wonder, p58)
- July - BC Government commissions Edgar Dewdney to survey Hope Mountains for a railway route (McCulloch's Wonder, p59)
- August 31 - Construction starts on Kettle River Valley Railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p68)
- October 28 - KRVR-R&KR receives first locomotive (McCulloch's Wonder, p68)
- January 2 - KRVR-R&KR reaches Curlew (McCulloch's Wonder, p69)
- January - GN blocked from Grand Forks by KRVR
- CPR builds from Nelson to Proctor (McCulloch's Wonder, p256)
- April 12 - KRVR-R&KR completes Grand Forks to Republic (US) (McCulloch's Wonder, p73)
- June - Dunsmuir charters Vancouver & Coast-Kootenay Railway for BC McLean brothers. (McCulloch's Wonder, p62)
- June 9 - VV&E comples from Cascade to Carson (south of Grand Forks) (GN) (McCulloch's Wonder, p74)
- November 9 - GN crosses KRVR tracks in Grand Forks, which CPR blocks by parking locomotive across (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- November GN completed to Granby [Peter]
- Columbia River bridge completed at Robson [Peter]
- CPR builds Kootenay and Arrowhead from Lardeau to Gerrard [Peter] (The Skyline Limited, p179)
- September - Vancouver & Coast-Kootenay Railway starts token construction (McCulloch's Wonder, p63)
- October - Vancouver & Coast-Kootenay dies
- CPR's Nicola Branch under construction (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- CPR's Nicola Branch completed (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- July 1 - Construction starts on Kettle Valley Railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- spring - Trout Creek Bridge near Summerland under construction (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- December - construction starts on Fraser River bridge at Hope (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- Myra Canyon trestles under construction (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- October - Railway complete between Penticton and Midway (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- April - construction just east of Princton (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- April 23 - Last spike on Midway to Merrit section at Princeton (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- May 31 - offical opening of the Kettle Valley Railway (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- CPR completes railway between Proctor and Kootenay Landing along Kootenay Lake (McCulloch's Wonder, p256)
- Kootenay & Arrowhead (K&A) abandoned from Lardeau and Gerrard (The Skyline Limited, p179)
- track at Hope ends just east of Station, abandoned earlier (McCulloch's Wonder, p64+)
- CPR bargeslip at Lardeau abandoned (The Skyline Limited, p179)